The Andalus bridge has participated in World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES Seville 2018, during 16-20 July 2018, it was great an opportunity to meet professional of people who working in education and training field.

hundreds of the academic sessions which organized by The Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, created informal meeting with experts from different nationalities in order to exchange views about the current of issues of the Middle East and the future of the region.

WOCMES Seville 2018 which hold in the capital of Andalusia on 16-22 July 2018, serving as a meeting point to present, debate and share a wide range of information on the latest studies concerning the Middle East, encompassing diverse perspectives, from conflict analysis and resolution to migrations, water, the environment, culture, news media and studies on Al-Andalus.

Number of researchers, professors, students, media, professionals and other groups interested in studies concerning North Africa and the Middle East as well as other regions of the world involved in those areas. Nearly 3,000 participants from more than 70 countries are attend what is considered the most prestigious event in its field.

In the wake of the four previous congresses – Mainz 2002 (Germany), Amman 2006 (Jordan), Barcelona 2010 (Spain) and Ankara 2014 (Turkey), WOCMES Seville 2018 was focus on the relationship between the three cultures and, given that it is the Foundation’s raison d’être, the Andalusí legacy and the roots of the city.

Seville, an example of coexistence between cultures, is nowadays the perfect setting to host the forum and respective debates concerning study of the Middle East, as both the city and the Andalusian community have traditionally acted as a place for understanding, interchange of ideas and intercultural dialogue.



culture activities:


Around thirty publishers, editors and organizations had represented in WOCMES Book Exhibition located in the heart of the University of Seville.

Poster Exhibition:

Posters are a visual presentation used to communicate ideas and messages. This format is an excellent way to get to know an institution or learn about a specific topic in a friendly and dynamic context. Members of the audience can attend the presentations and approach the speakers with specific comments or questions. Posters are commonly used to present the output of scientific projects although broader subjects are also dealt with. Global Halal consumerism; graphic novel in Iran; how to improve public spaces in the Mediterranean; the impact of foreign direct investment on the energy sector or ethnobotany in Al-Andalus are just some of the compelling subjects which had been presented during WOCMES Seville 2018.

A series of side events has taken place during WOCMES Seville 2018. Organised outside the academic programme, these activities provide an excellent opportunity for all participants to approach institutions or projects related to the geographical area of the congress but working on the margins of academia.